Package: ggthemes

ggthemes: Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'

Some extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2'. Provides 'ggplot2' themes and scales that replicate the look of plots by Edward Tufte, Stephen Few, 'Fivethirtyeight', 'The Economist', 'Stata', 'Excel', and 'The Wall Street Journal', among others. Provides 'geoms' for Tufte's box plot and range frame.

Authors:Jeffrey B. Arnold [aut, cre], Gergely Daroczi [ctb], Bo Werth [ctb], Brian Weitzner [ctb], Joshua Kunst [ctb], Baptise Auguie [ctb], Bob Rudis [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Justin Talbot [ctb], Joshua London [ctb]

ggthemes.pdf |ggthemes.html
ggthemes/json (API)

# Install 'ggthemes' in R:
install.packages('ggthemes', repos = c('', ''))

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16.17 score 1.3k stars 102 packages 40k scripts 71k downloads 69 mentions 126 exports 31 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:ca38c6250b. Checks:1 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 10 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEMar 10 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEMar 10 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Bank Slopes to 45 degreesbank_slopes
Calc color palette (discrete)calc_pal
Calc shape palette (discrete)calc_shape_pal color palettescanva_pal
150 Color Palettes from Canvacanva_palettes
Filled Circle Shape palette (discrete)circlefill_shape_pal
Shape palette from Cleveland "Elements of Graphing Data" (discrete).cleveland_shape_pal
Colorblind Color Palette (Discrete) and Scalescolorblind_pal scale_color_colorblind scale_colour_colorblind scale_fill_colorblind
Economist color palette (discrete)economist_pal
Excel (current versions) color palettes (discrete)excel_new_pal
Excel 97 ugly color palettes (discrete)excel_pal
Pretty axis breaks inclusive of extreme valuesextended_range_breaks extended_range_breaks_
Color Palettes Few "Show Me the Numbers"few_pal
Shape palette from "Show Me the Numbers" (discrete)few_shape_pal
FiveThirtyEight color palettefivethirtyeight_pal
Google Docs color palette (discrete)gdocs_pal
Range FramesGeomRangeFrame geom_rangeframe
Tufte's Box PlotGeomTufteboxplot geom_tufteboxplot
Palette and theme dataggthemes_data
Highcharts color palette (discrete)hc_pal
Color palette from the pander packagepalette_pander
Color Palettes from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemes"ptol_pal
Color scale from the pander packagescale_color_pander scale_colour_pander scale_fill_pander
Discrete color scale using color palettesscale_color_canva scale_colour_canva scale_fill_canva
Economist color scalesscale_color_economist scale_colour_economist scale_fill_economist
Excel (current versions) color scalesscale_color_excel_new scale_colour_excel_new scale_fill_excel_new
Color scales from Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"scale_color_few scale_colour_few scale_fill_few
FiveThirtyEight color scalesscale_color_fivethirtyeight scale_colour_fivethirtyeight scale_fill_fivethirtyeight
Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)scale_color_continuous_tableau scale_color_gradient_tableau scale_colour_gradient_tableau scale_fill_continuous_tableau scale_fill_gradient_tableau
Tableau diverging colour scales (continuous)scale_color_gradient2_tableau scale_colour_gradient2_tableau scale_fill_gradient2_tableau
Highcharts color and fill scalesscale_color_hc scale_colour_hc scale_fill_hc
Color Scales from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemesscale_color_ptol scale_colour_ptol scale_fill_ptol
Stata color scalesscale_color_stata scale_colour_stata scale_fill_stata
Tableau color scales (discrete)scale_color_tableau scale_colour_tableau scale_fill_tableau
Wall Street Journal color and fill scalesscale_color_wsj scale_colour_wsj scale_fill_wsj
LibreOffice Calc color scalesscale_color_calc scale_colour_calc scale_fill_calc
Excel 97 ugly color scalesscale_color_excel scale_colour_excel scale_fill_excel
Google Docs color scalesscale_color_gdocs scale_colour_gdocs scale_fill_gdocs
Solarized color scalesscale_color_solarized scale_colour_solarized scale_fill_solarized
Stata linetype palette (discrete)scale_linetype_stata
Calc shape scalescale_shape_calc
Filled Circle Shape palette (discrete)scale_shape_circlefill
Shape scales from Cleveland "Elements of Graphing Data"scale_shape_cleveland
Scales for shapes from "Show Me the Numbers"scale_shape_few
Stata shape scalescale_shape_stata
Tableau shape scalesscale_shape_tableau
Shape scales from Tremmel (1995)scale_shape_tremmel
Show linetypesshow_linetypes
Show shapesshow_shapes
Format numbers with automatic number of digitssmart_digits smart_digits_format
Solarized color palette (discrete)solarized_pal
Calculate components of a five-number summaryStatFivenumber stat_fivenumber
Stata linetype palette (discrete)stata_linetype_pal
Stata color palettes (discrete)stata_pal
Stata shape palette (discrete)stata_shape_pal
Tableau Color Palettes (discrete)tableau_color_pal
Tableau colour gradient palettes (continuous)tableau_div_gradient_pal tableau_gradient_pal tableau_seq_gradient_pal
Tableau Shape Palettes (discrete)tableau_shape_pal
Theme Basetheme_base
Theme Calctheme_calc
Clean ggplot themetheme_clean
ggplot color theme based on the Economisttheme_economist theme_economist_white
ggplot theme based on old Excel plotstheme_excel
ggplot theme similar to current Excel plot defaultstheme_excel_new
Theme based on Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"theme_few
Theme inspired by FiveThirtyEight plotstheme_fivethirtyeight
Foundation Themetheme_foundation
Theme with Google Docs Chart defaultstheme_gdocs
Highcharts Themetheme_hc
Inverse gray themetheme_igray
Clean theme for mapstheme_map
A ggplot theme originated from the pander packagetheme_pander
Theme which uses the current 'base' graphics parameter values from 'par()'. Not all 'par()' parameters, are supported, and not all are relevant to 'ggplot2' themes.theme_par
ggplot color themes based on the Solarized palettetheme_solarized theme_solarized_2
Theme with nothing other than a background colortheme_solid
Themes based on Stata graph schemestheme_stata
Tufte Maximal Data, Minimal Ink Themetheme_tufte
Wall Street Journal themetheme_wsj
Shape palette from Tremmel (1995) (discrete)tremmel_shape_pal
Wall Street Journal color palette (discrete)wsj_pal